Changelog 更新日志
Changelog in Chinese Version & English Version.
Released at 2025-01-27.
- 优化悬浮工具栏的位置,使其吸附在主体部分右边
- 优化归档页面的文章卡片大小及布局,现在可以显示更多的摘要内容
- 优化首页元素的外间距,使布局更紧凑美观
- Improved the position of toolbar to make it attached to the right side of the main container.
- Improved the size and layout of article cards in the Archives page, it can display more excerpt content now.
- Improved the margin of elements in Index page to make the layout tighter and more beautiful.
Released at 2025-01-26.
- 修复首页错误地显示相对时间的问题,现在会直接显示文章的发布日期
- 优化TOC的位置,使其吸附在主体部分右边
- Fixed the issue of displaying relative time at Index page by mistake, it displays posts publish time now.
- Improved the position of TOC to make it attached to the right side of the main container.
Released at 2024-11-04.
- 新增链接卡片标签,可用于链接外部页面、站内文章或文件下载,详见链接卡片介绍
- 新增悬浮工具栏功能:可以放大/缩小文章正文字体
- 新增功能:一键复制代码(使用clipboard.js)
- 修复切换深色模式时背景图片/渐变色不变的问题
- 修复切回浅色模式时背景颜色会变成默认黄色的问题
- 优化分类页面显示效果,可以更清晰地看到分类的层级结构,并且可以配置是否显示文章数量、显示几层分类
- 优化对APlayer的使用:改为在需要使用APlayer的页面Front-matter中配置开关,现在可以在“关于页”内引入音乐播放器了
- 置顶的文章会在首页显示相应的置顶标签,可在语言文件中配置标签显示值
- 优化资源引入,提升页面加载速度
- 优化了一些代码结构与页面展示效果,增加了一些动态特效
New Features
- Added tag for link card, support to link external page, site post or file to be downloaded. Read more in Link Card.
- Added function to toolbar: increase/decrease font size of post.
- Added function: copy codes with one click (with clipboard.js).
- Fixed the issue of background image/gradient color remaining unchanged when switching to darkmode.
- Fixed the issue of background color changing to yellow by default when switching back to lightmode.
- Improved the display effect of categories page, the hierarchies are more clear now. Configurable: show posts count, depth of categories to display.
- Improved the usage of APlayer: change to configuring switches in Front-matter of each page. You can also import music player in ‘About’ page now.
- Top posts will show top-tag on the homepage, the display value of top-tag can be configured in language files.
- Optimized the introductions of resources and improve page loading speed.
- Optimized some code structures and page display styles, added some dynamic effects.
Released at 2024-10-20.
- 适配
Hexo v7.3.0
,建议同步更新Hexo - 本次更新内容较多,建议提前对已自定义修改过的主题配置文件
- 新增评论功能(使用giscus),在文章和关于页加入评论区模块,可配置,详情可见评论功能说明
- 新增加密功能(使用hexo-blog-encrypt),详情可见加密功能说明
- 新增深色模式,可配置,详情可见深色模式介绍。
- 新增引用块标签,支持使用多种颜色风格的引用块,详情可见引用块介绍
- 新增悬浮工具栏功能:
- 当前页面为文章或关于页时可跳转至页尾评论区
- 深色模式开关
- 在关于页新增致谢栏目,可配置开关、致谢词、致谢名单
- 新增配置:可自定义字体,详情可见网站字体说明
- 新增配置:文章段落首行缩进两字符,可为每篇文章单独开关,详情可见段首缩进介绍
- 新增配置:可自定义网站背景,支持三种背景类型,详情可见网站背景说明
- 新增对
音乐播放器的支持,详情可见音乐播放器介绍 - 新增TOC配置项
(Hexo v7.3.0
- 在
中新增Open Graph信息以优化SEO,并且优化meta description的内容:文章页面为文章简介/摘要,其它页面为网站简介 - 简化小说模板中的完结状态配置项为Y/N:Y=完结,N=连载中,置空=不显示完结状态
- 兼容v1.0.0中的完结状态选项,因此以前发布的文章无须进行修改
- 建议将新版
- 优化404页面的显示效果,在主题指南中增加404页面说明
- 优化
折叠块显示效果,详情可见折叠块介绍 - 优化归档页面的文章预览内容,优先级:文章摘要>小说模板的简介>自动截取文章开头部分
- 优化滚动条显示效果
- 优化代码块标题显示效果
- 优化文章字数统计的显示,增加千和万的单位(保留一位小数)
- 优化表格在内容溢出时的显示效果,具体用法可见表格
- 使用小屏设备时字体减小,优化显示效果
- 去除主体背景纹理的灰点,使背景看起来更干净
- 执行Hexo指令后在控制台打印主题Meow的相关信息
- 增加更新日志
- Compatible with
Hexo v7.3.0
, it is recommended to update Hexo in synchrony. - Since there are many new updates in this version, it is recommended to backup the theme configuration file
(which has been modified) in advance.
New Features
- Add comment function (using giscus), add comment module for posts and ‘About’ page, configurable. Read more in Comment.
- Add encryption function (using hexo-blog-encrypt), read more in Encryption.
- Add darkmode, configurable, read more in Darkmode.
- Add quote tag, support to use blockquote in various style, read more in Quote.
- Add more functions to toolbar:
- Go to comment module if it is post or ‘About’ page.
- Switch to darkmode.
- Add credits module at ‘About’ page, configurable: switch, acknowledgements words, credits list.
- Add configuration: fonts customizable. Read more in Fonts.
- Add configuration: indent the first line of paragraph in post by 2em. You can also enable/disable it for specific posts. Read more in Text Indent.
- Add configuration: site background customizable, support 3 kinds of background. Read more in Background.
- Add support for
, read more in Music Player. - Add TOC configuration:
(updated byHexo v7.3.0
- Add Open Graph message in
to improve SEO. Improve meta description: summary/excerpt(posts), site description(other pages). - Simplify the configuration of status in fiction scaffold to Y/N: Y=complete, N=incomplete, stay blank=hide status.
- Compatible with status options of v1.0.0. Therefore, those articles published previously do not need to be modified.
- It is recommended to copy the new
to the scaffolds folder under the root directory and overwrite the old one.
- Improve the display style of 404 page, add configuration guide in 404 Page.
- Improve the display style of
, read more in Details. - Improve preview content of post in archives page, priority: post’s excerpt > summary of fiction scaffold > truncate the start of post automatically.
- Improve scrollbar style.
- Improve the style of code block title.
- Improve the display of post word count, add thousand/ten thousand unit (rounded to one decimal place).
- Improve the style of table when the content of table overflows. Read more in Table.
- Decrease font size and optimize display effect when using small screen devices.
- Remove the gray dots from the background texture of the main container to make the background look cleaner.
- Print Theme Meow information on console after executing Hexo commands.
- Add change log.
Released at 2024-04-28.
「Meow」was released officially.